Lynne Everatt
The Recovering MBA
The destination for MBAs (and we're all MBAs) looking for mental, physical, and comical recovery.
Hi, I’m Lynne.
Everyone who has ever entered recovery has a story about when they hit rock bottom. For me, it was when my husband, in an attempt to calm me down, tackled me at the 5-yard line in our hallway. I had come to believe that my job as a corporate party planner was terribly important. The rousing Churchillian speech I had written for the Vice President to open a company-wide event was laughter-inducing disaster that launched me into a tailspin.
I thought his job was terribly important too.
Fortunately, shortly after The Tackle, the company merged for the second time during my 15-year tenure and I was given the opportunity to escape into recovery and be restored to sanity.
My transformation has been nothing short of remarkable. Here are the testimonials of five people, all business colleagues who became friends, on the remarkable changes that accompanied my recovery.
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Out of my mindset
Saucy opinions on wide-ranging topics of interest to recovering MBAs