31 evidence-based strategies to give you the maximum wellness boost in the minimum amount of time.
What People Are saying…
"Take my advice: read this short, practical book, pick your tactic combo, and go to work shaping a happier life."
- Michael Bungay Stanier, author of The Wall Street Journal bestseller; The Coaching Habit
"This evidence-based, thought-provoking and action-focused book drives healthier behaviors and a recharge for 'personal' wellness."
- Karen Jackson, senior advisor; Healthy Workplace Strategies, Excellence Canada
"There is great wisdom not just in the whole book but on each and every page."
- Dr. B. Kirsh MD, FRCPC, Department of Psychiatry, University Health Network
"The 5-Minute Recharge is a treasure trove. Keep this book nearby and use it often as a jump-start for daily wellbeing."
- Tim Bono PhD, author of When Likes Aren't Enough: A Crash Course in the Science of Happiness

Acts of Friendship
During the course of our research for The 5-Minute Recharge, we discovered that connection is one of the most important contributors to wellbeing. Is it any coincidence that loneliness is an epidemic at precisely the moment that collective mental health is plummeting?
Acts of Friendship offers 47 scientifically-proven activities to bring you and your friends together to deepen your relationships, broaden your horizons, and create lasting memories.
As Seen On…

Out of my mindset
Saucy opionions on wide-ranging topics of interest to recovering MBAs