Lynne Everatt
The Recovering MBA
My mission is to share my journey of recovery and have some fun with the business world that I took far too seriously in the hope that it helps others gain perspective, and enjoy improved mental, emotional, and physical health.
My newsletter Out of My Mindset is an amend. Each article examines the case of an MBA approach ruining something. You can subscribe here.
I’ve written two books to help you with the physical and mental aspects of recovery, The 5-Minute Recharge that encourages you to experiment with different approaches to wellness, and Acts of Friendship that focuses on the most essential element of wellbeing: connection.
Since I’m an MBA, I feel compelled to express my approach to recovery in the form of an equation:
Recovery = Sleep + Step + Sweat + Reflect + Connect
Sleep is the bedrock of recovery. When I left the corporate world I was chronically sleep deprived, a state that, like drunkenness, is impossible to diagnose when you’re in the midst of it. Sleep drunkenness, the feeling that my head was jammed full of cotton balls, was my normal state. It made me perpetually anxious, irritable, and primed to take offence.
Step is low-level physical activity, ideally walking and best case walking outside. When you sit at a desk all day, you tell your body and mind to power down. Stepping powers you up.
Sweat was pivotal in my recovery and began, like a convict discovering the prison gym, while I was still in the corporate world. Being able to transform my body convinced me that I was capable of changing much more about myself and my life.
Reflect. Until you take time to be still and get to know yourself, you’ll be stuck like a dry drunk in a state of limbo where you’re sober, but are still on the edge because you don’t understand what was driving you to drink.
Connect. There’s no life, no wellness, no recovery without connection with others.